Wed 05 Mar 2014 by Amy_Rogers

As the first in a series of Brighton Illustrators' Inpirations, we have talented Sean Sims' key influences!
1. TV show :
The Magic Roundabout.
I adored this when I was growing up. I just love the style & the characters!
2..Advertising Illustrators:
The brilliant campaign illustrators Daphne Padden & Harry Stephens
My illustration idols, both prolific advertising campaign poster illustrators from the 1950s-1970s, from a golden era of illustration!
4. Pattern Design
Lucienne Day, absolutely love her work!
5. Children's book illustration.
The ultra talented Alain Gree!
I have a passion for collecting vintage children's books, especially educational books, of which Alain Gree is what I consider the greatest, and who is only now being recognised.
6. Film
I love Wes Anderson films! The way he considers every frame, the colours and the sets - pure genius
Fantastic Mr Fox is one of my all time favourite films
8. Stylist -
Alexander Girard
An all round pure genius! - Love his corporate design of the La Fonda del Sol restaurant in NY.
<img alt="" data-cke-saved-src="" src="" 1024px;="" height:="" 1024px;"="">
9. Music -
(very tough choice! - )Soul Music
right from an early age i have loved soul music, with the 'Drifters Golden Hit's being the first love, one of my Mam & Dad's records
from way back in the day!
(great sleeve art too!)
10. IWhat influenced me to use computers to create illustrations..
The Designers Republic
The Designers Republic design team from the late 1990s were my biggest influence in turning from pen to mouse.
I loved their Japanese pop rareness & bold simplicity. I have recently met John Anderson from Designers Republic who
by bizarre twist of fate is a fan of my illustration work.. and as they say, things really do come full circle!
(he kindly sent me an original of the poster above from is '90s archive)
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