Nye’s graphic novel “...Trailer Park…”
Thu 24 Feb 2011 by Alan (Fred)_Pipes

This month's Cartoon County meeting hosts a talk for podcast by BiG member Nye Wright about his new graphic novel, "...Trailer Park..." Details on Nye and his amazing book are below. Also on hand will be Sean Baldwin, who's writing for The Dandy, so if you want to know something about what it's like working for a legendary British comic, he'll be right there to ask.
Chat starts at 7.15, meeting general from 6 until late, as usual, and is upstairs, as usual, at The Cricketers, Black Lion St, Brighton. Monday 28 February.
"...Trailer Park..." is the autobiography of a minotaur living with a rhinoceros in a caravan park.
"You might have picked up this book expecting to find trailer park denizens, clad in beer-stained tank tops and railing drunkenly at their spouses. Instead, what you will find is a sprawling graphic novel about a young man coming to terms with his dying father, and his own life, as he takes care of the older man in the final months of his. It's familiar ground for a memoir, but tackled in an unfamiliar way: the young protagonist is a minotaur, his father a rhinoceros, and theirs a world populated by talking chihuahuas, sea turtles that work as social workers, and mobile homes that move atop the backs of massive animals. There is a graphic vocabulary at work that allows flights of fancy, but always it is tethered to emotion rooted in reality.
The Author
"The son of an unholy union between a West Texan architect and a London writer, Aneurin (Nye) Wright was born in the wilds of rural Idaho, in the US. He earned a BA in English Literature from Yale and a BFA in Illustration and Communication Design from the Pratt Institute.
"His work has been described as 'stunning' (icomics.com), 'marvelous, emotional... it succeeds because it is real (comicswaitingroom.com). His first book Lex Talionis: A Jungle Tale, published in 2004 by the third largest US comics publisher, Image, had critics saying "Wright is an amazing talent" (worldfamouscomics.com).
"Beyond comics, Wright works as a freelance illustrator and animator. He was the lead animator and animation director for the "Short History of the United States: cartoon sequence" in Michael Moore Academy Award-winning documentary Bowling for Columbine.
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