Nottingham City Council looking for a children’s illustrator.
Tue 25 May 2010 by Penny_Dann

Nottingham City Museums and Galleries are currently looking for an
Illustrator to work with them on a children's story book project.
The timescale for applications is unfortunately short, please read on for details.
Please see below for a copy of our project brief, if you have any further
questions please get it touch. If you would like to register your interest
send us a copy of your CV and examples of your work to the address below.
The closing date for applications will be 11th June, we look forward to
hearing from you soon!
Louise Lowth
Acting Artefact Loans Officer
Access Artefacts - Nottingham City Museums Loans Service
C/O Radford-Lenton Library
Lenton Boulevard
Tel: 0115 9151773
Project Brief – Storybook project (title tbc)
Commissioned by Nottingham City Museums and Galleries (Nottingham City Council)
Nottingham City Museums and Galleries has a range of activities and resources for family and early years learning including gallery based family learning activities, a family gallery and loans resources created for early years community groups and school based foundation units. This new project aims to add a unique resource to those we currently offer.
Nottingham City Museums and Galleries wish to commission an illustrator to produce original illustrations for a 20 page picture book to include front and back cover images. The book will be printed in a short run only. The book will also be sold in the Castle Museum shop and any profits used to finance a further short print run.
The illustrator will be expected to work with a designer and the NCMG project team, and may also need to provide additional illustrations where appropriate eg individual characters. There may also be an opportunity to work with the commissioned author where possible within the timescale. The illustrator will also be expected to attend a launch event at a later date and take part in activities such as book signing at this event.
The illustrations will build on the storybook character developed by the author in the text and will be set in Nottingham Castle Museum and Art Gallery. The illustrations will be inspired by the commissioned text, the site and artefacts on display.
The target audience for the story are young children (3-8 years) and their families and carers. The piece commissioned will take into account the needs of this target audience, as well as their families, carers, nurseries and other providers of Early Years’ services, and may include themes such as cultural diversity and family life.
Please note: As a further development to this project, NCMG staff will be creating a loans resource and family learning backpack featuring the finished book, activities, artefacts, costume etc. Although this is beyond the scope of this project brief, the illustrator should bear in mind these planned uses of the finished storybook. The storybook will also be sold in the museum shop.
• The fee for the commissioned work is £1500.
• £500 will be paid on receipt and signing off of the first drafts by the museum officer.
• £1000 will be paid on receipt and signing off of final illustrations in formats ready for print. See project timetable in the contract.
Ownership of the Commissioned work:
• Nottingham City Museums and Galleries (Nottingham City Council) will hold the copyright for the commissioned work. Nottingham City Museums and Galleries is a non-profit making public service and does not seek to profit by sales of the finished book. It is the usual practice of Nottingham City Council to be assigned copyright for work commissioned by any of its departments. Please consider this carefully before making your application.
• The text will be commissioned from artists chosen by Nottingham City Museums and Galleries.
Week commencing
Initial meeting with NCMG project team 21st June
1st draft 12th July
Final Draft 26th July
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