Next BiG Meeting Wednesday 23rd April The Day My Pad Went Mad
Tue 15 Apr 2014 by Peter_Greenwood

Wednesday 23rd April upstairs @ the King & Queen pub from 8PM
After the great bard of Salford, John Cooper Clarke, our next meet up is called 'The Day My Pad Went Mad'
Ever fancied drawing drawing on an ipad or tablet? We have BIG members Geo Parkin and Kate Osborne to show us how they use the various apps, stylus and techniques to create working drawings, sketches and artwork.
Kate Osborne holds regular classes helping illustrators getting started with iPad drawing and painting. She will talk us through some basic techniques as a taster of her methods. She will also show examples of her students' work.
George Parkin will give us an overview of some of the numerous drawing apps available based on his personal experience. He will also show other examples of work produced by experienced professionals and experimenters.
So whether you are a beginner, a sceptic or a seasoned digital drawerer, there will be much to discover and discuss at the King and Queen on Wednesday April 23rd at 8pm!
If anyone has and iPad, or examples of their own digital dabblings on any device, please bring them along
To see more of Kate and Geo's work check out:
All welcome
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