Making a BiG splash: February meeting
Thu 04 Feb 2016 by Garry_Robson

Getting the most out of social media for illustrators
- When: Tuesday 16th February
- Venue: Marlborough theatre bar, (upstairs) 4 Prince's St, Brighton BN2 1RD, Brighton
- Time: 8pm – 10.30pm
In our first meeting of 2016 we will be helping members get more from promoting their work on social media. We are excited to have social media expert – Lucy Charlotte Brand from ‘Lady Digital’ as our guest speaker. Lucy has a background in supporting creative arts and runs a company that specialises in providing online marketing and social media support to businesses and the creative industries.
What will BiG members get out of this session?
This will help BiG members identify what types of social media are best for them and their work, how to get the most out of it, what pitfalls to avoid and how to make it as simple as possible. Whether you’re already a dab hand with the likes of Instagram and Facebook, or whether you’re not much of a social media fan, there is something here for everyone.
In addition to Lucy’s helpful tips and ‘take-away’ ideas for making social media work for illustrators, we will also be providing a short update about the improvements we’ve been making to BiG social media and what this has achieved so far – and how you can help get the word out about BiG.
Future meetings
The second BiG meeting (planned for March) is a guide to illustration fees. But we’d like your input on what other subjects you’d like to see covered at BiG meetings. So on the 16th February at the Social Media meeting we will have a ‘BiG Ideas’ box for you to contribute your thoughts to about plans for future meetings.
See you on the 16th February!
Blog header illustration by Jan Barger
Tweets from @bigillustrators and friends
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