BiG Beach Barbie
Fri 28 Aug 2009 by Alan (Fred)_Pipes

Back in the middle of August we got together for our annual summer gathering. Despite the unpredictability of the weather, a beach Barbie was planned and many offerings must have been made to the summer Gods as we were blessed with a bright, dry, breezy evening. Taking advantageous shelter against the wall, the early scouts pitched our camp and we settled in for the evening.
Bottles were opened, barbies were lit and soon sausages of both meat and veggie persuasion were being charred to within an inch of their lives. More BiG members and chums arrived and Belen Gomez even brought along her extended family that were visiting. It was an ideal opportunity for meeting and mingling and proved to be one of our most popular open-air get togethers for many years. Most folks stayed well after dark as the last embers of the fires faded. Thanks to all of you who came along, brought your food, drink and good cheer and made the evening a great success. Thanks also to Siobhan Harrision who made a fabulous cake, which many enjoyed. See you all next time.
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