BiG August Summer Party
Fri 21 Jul 2017 by Garry_Robson

BiG Summer Party
Wednesday 23rd August
Time: 8PM - Midnight
Venue: The Nightingale Room, upstairs at Grand Central, 29-30 Surrey Street. Brighton
This coming August we are staging a BiG social get-together and networking event for all our members at the very lovely Nightingale room, upstairs at Grand Central.
We are also inviting other local artists along to meet our members and provide an opportunity for everyone to learn more about what artists and illustrators are up to in Brighton.
Brighton DJ Nick Subtle will also be providing some fab chilled-out tunes for the evening. As well DJ-ing at Brighton clubs, shows and events, Nick is also a regular presenter on the not-for-profit music station – 1Brighton FM.
Free drinks for early arrivals
There will be a limited number of free drinks available at the bar in the Nightingale Room for people arriving early, so be there early if you want to snap up a free drink before it all goes.
Please RSVP to let us know you’re attending
We’d love everyone to turn up as a big surprise, but just so we can plan the event more efficiently it would help enormously if you can use the RSVP link to confirm that you're attending.
Bring a friend
If you know other artists or illustrators who’d like to be part of the evening, then please bring them along. Friends and partners of BiG members are also welcome – just remember to indicate on the RSVP how many are coming with you.
Showcasing work by BiG members
We will be showing examples of work by all our members on a big screen in the Nightingale Room including some examples of film and animation.
Show and tell
There will also be tables provided for BiG members to show examples of their published work such as greeting cards, badges, stickers and books etc. BiG members who have work they’d like to show, should bring a few items along (please bring no more than 3 to ensure there is space for everyone).
And bring business cards if you have them! We’ll have a space for those too.
We look forward to seeing you there!
- BiG
Newsletter and event poster designed and illustrated by Manic Minotaur
Tweets from @bigillustrators and friends
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