Sue Haseltine Summer Newsletter
Tue 30 Jul 2013 by Emma_McCann

Hi there! There's lots of news to share this month. Firstly I'd like to invite you to a group show private view on the 22nd August at the Hive Gallery in Lewes for Artwave (see details below) and we have the new addition of an etching press at the studio, details below....
There's also information about summer classes running at the studio this year and some information about other summer classes going on locally that you might be interested in.
Exhibition - Art at the Hive
I would like to invite you to the private view on Thursday 22nd August 6.00 - 9.00pm at the Hive, 66 High Street, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1XG
I will be exhibiting paintings and prints alongside Keith Pettit, Rachel Bell, Deryn Bell, Rupert Denyer and invigilating there on the 1st and 8th August between 11am and 4pm and working on a new lino cut while I'm there.
Keith is running two wood engraving courses as part of the show. Check out details at
Opening times: Mon - Fri by appointment.
Saturdays and Sundays throughout Artwave 24th/25th August, 31st August/1st September, 4th and 5th September 11.00am - 4.00pm
New Etching Press
Etching Press
We have just invested in a new etching press from Hawthorn Printmaker. It's a beautiful machine with geared action so it's really easy to turn. The bed is 54.5cm by 120cm so is easily big enough to print up to A2 size. I'll be running some summer workshops using the press and a weekly class in the Autumn Term at the studio using a range of printmaking methods.
New Facebook page
I've set up a facebook artist's page so that I can share work in progress straight away. If you would be interested in keeping informed about new work please click on the Like button and then you'll be sent the new posts to your timeline each time I post them. I promise to only post a few each month so that you won't be inundated. It's great as you can give feedback immediately and keep up-to-date with what is going on.
The original website will still exist as well and forms a back catalogue of work and listings for courses.
Other local summer workshops
Gary Goodman and Ralph Levy are running a creative weekend at the Handmade House in August. It sounds wonderful with two days of creative work accompanied by lunches made by Ralph. He's also offerring dinner on the Saturday evening. For more details see
If you have got the printmaking bug The Ink Spot Press also are running summer workshops in their very well set up workshop...check out
and as always Jake Spicer has lots of classes on...
Ian Brown at Volcanic Editions also runs printmaking workshops
Sue Haseltine Summer Workshops 2013
Lots of the classes below still have spaces on but some I'm afraid are already full. I have indicated on each current availability. Book soon to avoid disappointment. I've attached a link to the booking form for you if you'd like to reserve a place on a class or you can call me on 07795200580 or email me at [email protected]
Booking Form: workshops 2013 list.pdf
Painting landscapes - Drawing and painting outside
Two spaces left: Tuesday 30th July - 10.30am - 4.30pm £45
This one-day workshop will allow you to enjoy the challenge of working on artwork outdoors. Working outdside provides so much inspiration, and lots of visual information to work from; with the light, the place, the weather conditions and temperature all contributing to the final work.
Initially you will be encouraged to draw and sketch, this will lead on to making painting studies, and you will be encouraged to take photographs for reference later on. We will also collect things that can be used to refer to when indoors and working further on images at a later date.
If the weather is very wet we will work indoors for part of the day exploring some of the same techniques from images instead. Hopefully we would get at least a few hours outside to take photos and make studies. Then returning to the studio looking at ways of developing sketches, making studies and arranging compositions taken from the landscape.
Drypoint day - Printmaking
Full: Wednesday 31st July 10.30am - 4.30pm - £45 (includes materials except printing paper)
New Date - 6 spaces available: Monday 19th August 10.30am - 4.30pm - £45 (includes materials except printing paper)
The recent acquisition of an etching press means we can now explore this beautiful and exciting printmaking technique of drypoint in the studio. Drypoint is a very immediate form of printing that involves drawing into a metal or plastic plate with a scribe that scratches the surface. There is no need for any chemicals and the process is fairly simple. On printing, the scratches are filled with ink and run through the press to be printed onto damp paper that gives a strong tonal and linear appearance. Drypoint adds a whole new perspective to drawing and has been used by artists for centuries. You could expect to achieve a couple of plates in the day's session and take a number of prints using different coloured inks.
Lino cutting day - Printmaking
A few spaces available: Thursday 1st August 10.30am - 4.30pm - £45 (price includes one piece of lino and inks)
Lino is a wonderfully accesible form of printmaking that can be used and printed with minimal amounts of equipment. With the addition of an etching press in the studio it will be possible to print the lino using the press as well as learning how to print by hand. Create black and white prints as well as colour images. Try using coloured inks and chine colle to enhance single colour blocks with colour.
Tools and inks are provided. The first piece of lino is included in the price of the course and further blocks can be purchased on the day.
Drawing and painting the figure and portraits - How to achieve a likeness
A few spaces available:Tuesday 13th August 10.30am - 4.30pm £35
Drawing from the figure can be easier than it seems. During this session you'll be introduced to some guidelines to proportion and ways of drawing and painting the figure that can really help achieve the likeness of the human form. We will begin with drawing from the figure and move onto making some painted studies.
Portrait Painting Day - How to achieve a likeness and correct proportion
Full: Wednesday 14th August 10.30am - 4.30pm - £35
Learn principles of portrait drawing, working with a range of techniques to help achieve the correct proportions for the face and how to achieve a likeness. Try out the ' a la prima' method of painting, this involves painting the shadows on the face first in burnt umber before adding flesh tones and other colours. It forms an excellent foundation for the portrait to build upon. Work with acrylics and try using painting medium that slows the drying time and allows for easier blending to achieve smooth and even skin tones.
Oil painting workshop - Working without thinners
A few spaces available: Thursday 15th August and Thursday 22nd August 10.30am - 4.30pm
£65 for both days or £35 for one day
Oil paint is a rich and malleable medium, however it can be unappealing because of the use of smelly and toxic thinners. It is possible to work without these successfully and during the class oil painting techniques will be demonstrated and discussed using painting oils to thin paint and flax seed oil to rinse and clean brushes. There will be one-to-one tuition as work progresses. It will possible to produce a painting in the studio from conception to completion, or a series of smaller studies. The two day sessions are a week apart to allow time for paintings to dry.
Small group size allows for plenty of space to spread out and for lots of support and encouragement one-to-one.
Developing Sketchbooks
A few spaces available: 20th August 10.30am - 4.30pm £35
This workshop will use the sketchbook as a place to explore different techniques, compositons, mark making and surface texture using a variety of media in black & white and colour. We will look at artist's sketchbooks for inspiration looking at how they use sketchbooks to support their work and develop visual compositions, explore methods and develop ideas.
You will be able to explore various drawing media, sketching, painting, collage, pen and wash, and tools to help develop work in a sketchbook format. This is an ideal one off day class for those who want to experiment with a wide range of materials and techniques to begin a sketchbook that can then continue to be a place to develop work in the future.
Pen and wash with watercolour
Full: 21st August 2013 10.30 - 4.30 £35
Explore the excitement of using dip pens, fine liners and drawing pens to create structure then working over these lines with freely applied watercolour. Explore using different types of pen, waterproof and water soluble inks to explore the different effects available. Investigate watercolour techniques including wet into wet, using salt, building up layers, using masking fluid and more.
Work with various inks for line work including acrylic drawing ink that is waterproof when dry, fine liners and quink ink that gives a beautiful variety of colour even though it begins as a black or navy blue ink. A realm of wonders to explore for a day!
Acrylics - Collage and texture - Two day workshop
One space available: Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th September 10.30 - 4.30 £70 two day workshop
Following on from the success of last summer's workshop we will be exploring the beautiful luminosity of acrylics and investigating the many possibilities of this highly versatile medium. Emphasis is on exploration of personal projects that encourage experimentation with colour, texture and technique. We will acrylics and glue to stick collage down to create initial structure and to break the white of the page. Then working on adding layers, combining paint with transparent medium, using texture mediums, sand and unusual tools.
Work created by other artists will be used as supporting material, alongside short instructional videos and live demonstrations. Bring ongoing projects into sessions to develop using this medium or take on images you have wanted to work from but have never got around to. The tutor will also provide some visual source material. Bring a set of acrylic paints and brushes to the class. Paper and medium will be supplied.
Lino and Collograph Printing - Making multiple blocks for colour printing and using chine colle
A few spaces available: 11th and 12th September 10.30 - 4.30 £75 (Includes one lino block, cardboard and coloured tissue)
Explore this wonderful bold printmaking technique. Create black and white prints as well as multiple colour images, using multiple blocks. Try cutting lino blocks and making collograph printing blocks from card and collage to explore the different qualities they possess. Use chine colle to enhance single colour blocks images with colour. Tools, card and paper are provided. Lino available to buy for the sessions.
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