Amelia’s Compendium of Fashion Illustration Book Tour 2011
Wed 11 May 2011 by Angela_McKay

Amelia Gregory of Amelia's Magazine is visiting Brighton on 24th May as part of her book tour, and will be at Castor and Pollux from 6pm that evening to meet fellow creatives, illustrators, students. There will be an informal talk, book signing and opportunity to have a crit of your portfolio with Amelia.
Please contact [email protected] for further information.
Amelia’s Compendium of Fashion Illustration
featuring the very best in ethical fashion design as seen in Vogue and i-D online
Amelia’s Compendium of Fashion Illustration - also known as ACOFI - was published in late December 2010. It is the second book from Amelia’s House and features the work of 30 emerging world- class illustrators, chosen via open brief, alongside profiles of nearly 50 ethical fashion designers. Many of the featured fashion illustrations were created over the past year for Amelia’s Magazine online, which is one of the first places to support new independent and ethical fash- ion designers. This book is also one of the first books to do so.
ACOFI was put together by Amelia Gregory. Amelia was trained as a printed textile designer before becoming a fashion stylist and photographer for publications such as The Face, ID, Sleaze Nation, The Guardian and Time Out. In 2004 she created Amelia’s Magazine in print to showcase the very best underground and inde- pendent fashion, illustration, art, music, photography, craft and de- sign. Each beautifully made biannual issue became highly collectible, but after 5 years she decided to concentrate on producing the online version of Amelia’s Magazine and independently publishing books through Amelia’s House.
ACOFI is stocked alongside first book Amelia’s Anthology of Illustration in Tate, Design Museum, Louis Vuitton, Magma and Co- lette to name just a few of the stockists both here and internationally. It was officially launched with a party at eco fashion superstore 123 Beth- nal Green Road on Friday 28th January 2011, instantly generating a massive buzz on Twitter and the fashion blogosphere.
Amelia’s Magazine has numerous contributors and is currently read by 65,000 readers a month. As well as being a publisher Amelia is also an art director, graphic designer, photographer, writer, lecturer, social media maven and ceilidh caller.
For more information about the featured illustrators and ethical designers please see this web page:
ACOFI can be bought online on the Amelia’s Magazine website, and in all good art bookshops: For all review copies, press images, interviews and distribution please contact: [email protected]
Twitter: please use the hashtag #ACOFI on Twitter @ameliagregory @ameliasmagazine View video interviews:
published by Amelia’s House in December 2010 distributed by Central Books in the UK and Idea Books internationally
Amelia’s Compendium of Fashion Illustration Book Tour 2011
From mid May to mid June 2011 Amelia Gregory will be embarking on the ACOFI Book Tour to promote Amelia’s Compendium of Fashion Illustration, visiting some of the best independent art book retailers in the UK:
Tatty Devine in Covent Garden 24 Hour Crit and Window Painting on Tues 10th May, 6-10pm 44 Monmouth Street, London, WC2H 9EP The Fruitmarket Gallery in Edinburgh on Tues 17th May, 6.30-10pm, 24 Hour Crit continuing into Weds 18th May. 45 Market Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1DF Castor and Pollux in Brighton on Tues 24th May, 6-10pm. 165 King’s Road Arches, Lower Prom, Brighton BN1 1NB Comma in Oxford on Weds 25th May, 6-10pm. 247 Iffley Road, Oxford, OX4 1SJ Soma Gallery in Bristol on Thurs 26th May, 6-10pm, 24 Hour Crit continuing into Fri 27th May. 4 Boyces Avenue, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 4AA Tatty Devine in Brick Lane 24 Hour Crit and Biscuit Decorating with Biscuiteers on Tues 7th June, 6-10pm 236 Brick Lane, London, E2 7EB
The tour will include informal chats about the creation of Amelia’s Compendium of Fashion Illustration, the rise of eco fashion, illustration process and social media for creatives. Attendees will be able to network with each other whilst enjoying complimentary organic juices from Juiceology, fine teas from Lahloo and there will be plates laden with traditional biscuits and cakes for you to munch on. After an official book signing there will also be the opportunity to take part in a personal portfolio crit with Amelia Gregory. Once again the fabulous folks at Dr. Hauschka will be providing yummy free samples for participants to take away. At the Tatty Devine Covent Garden shop participants will be invited to help paint the shop windows, fuelled by Cute as a Cupcake and at Tatty Devine in Brick Lane there will be the opportunity to learn how to ice biscuits with Biscuiteers.
Please email [email protected] for further updates or keep an eye on Twitter @ameliagregory and #ACOFI
In the Press:
Champions the art form and gives a thorough insight into working practices... and it looks stunning, which is not a su- prise considering the calibre of the work included. Design Week
Beautiful and informative as each interview and feature takes you on a personal journey, understanding where each artist and designer get their inspiration from and why ethical fashion is important to them. Ecouterre
A coffee-table book with a difference... perfect for dipping in and out of for both artistic and fashion inspiration.
The Young Creatives
For more information see this link:
Tweets from @bigillustrators and friends
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