March 6x6 meeting report
Mon 04 Apr 2011 by Penny_Dann

We were blown away by the talent of our speakers at this month's 6x6. Here's a flavour of what we witnessed -
Zara Wood
Zara described the process of designing the drawings for a series of enormous windows along a concourse at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park.
The images look stunning against the ever changing back dop of the landscape. She also showed products that were made to coincide with the Mirror Mime Show at the gallery there plus elegant screenprints using metallic foils.
Formerly shunning the use of a sketchbook, she is now an avid proponent. She showed the development of her ideas from sketchbook through to final piece, always an illuminating thing for us to see, affording us a glimpse into the thought processes behind the work.
Amanda Lawrence and Megan Dow from Lark Rising
Lark Rising is a fantastic Brighton based knitwear company that take a unique approach in the world of fashion. Amanda set up Lark Rising after her experience working in Europe for companies such as Oilily. Alongside Megan's stunning designs they also seek out artists to create their distinctive and intricately patterned product. The designs are specifically made to fit the form of the clothing, so there are no repeats. They particularly like to work with artists that have no fashion background as they bring their own influences. Artists such as Graham Carter, Maria Rivans and Lidia de Pedro.
Sarah Arnett
Sarah doesn't now how to describe herself... we'd say 'brilliant'. After ten years working in printed textiles and running her fashion company she is now illustrating as well as still producing fashion, her new collection is entitled 'Modern Love'.
She took part in the show at Somerset House show last year celebrating the work of Dior Illustrator Rene Gruau. Inspired by flowers, nature and her own photography, she creates sumptuous images that cross over from designs for silk scarves to Sunday Times editorial.
Christopher Eales
Is an independent film maker and animator. His ‘stars’ are puppets that he makes - collecting bits of wood and metal, odds and ends from wherever he can find them as material.
Feeling a little disenchanted with the formulaic process of film making he has turned to making still images in collage or print, and static figures. These are now feeding back into his film making.
He loves to work quickly and spontaneously and these new ventures provide a counterbalance to the long and labour intensive film projects.
Garry Parsons
Also a great user of sketchbooks, he works in editorial, advertising, children’s publishing, in fact “anything”! He achieves maximum character with minimal line. Drawings are made, scanned and then he adds colour and texture from a vast collection. A particularly nice job was to revamp the pet department at Harrods, another, a series of books with Stephen Hawking and his daughter Lucy, “George’s Secret Key to the Universe” and “George’s Cosmic Treasure Hunt”.
He also wrote and illustrated a book for children called “Krong!” which has 5 stars on Amazon!
William Goldsmith
A former work experience student with Peter Greenwood at the Annexe (sorry William had to mention that!). William has gone on to great things after studying at Glasgow School of Art.
There he was inspired by a collection of 1970’s Soviet magazines, and you can see the influence in his graphic novels. He draws an imaginary city in “Vignettes of Ystov” populated by wonderfully quirky characters.
He has been working for the online relaunch of “Night and Day” Magazine for Chatto and Windus, exploring characters from classical mythology, you can download it for free here
Thank you so much to all our speakers, and to Steve at the Nightingale for help setting up the venue.
We hope those of you that came along enjoyed the evening and had a chance to chat with the artists and other members of B.i.G.
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