Enterprise Thursday

Thu 10 Dec 2009 by Jo_Moore

Freelancers Panel. Enterprise Thursday

Recently I was invited to participate in 'Be Your Own Boss: Freelancer's Panel' at Sussex University for the University's Business and Enterprise Office. It was one of a number of events in the Autumn programme and the aim of the discussion was to reveal the pros and cons of working as a freelancer in different sectors. Darren Fell, founder of Pure and Crunch http://www.crunch.co.uk chaired the evening and gave an introductory speech about his own business experiences. Then the evening was opened for questions from the audience. The other panel members were, Ellen de Vries, writer and copywriter, Paul Bunkham, internet specialist, Leon Trigg, filmmaker and Paul Silver, web development specialist. It was interesting comparing our experiences; in some cases the same and in others quite different. One question from the audience was "what's the best piece of advice you can give a freelancer" and Paul Bunkham's answer was maybe a lesson for us all; that you should never lower your prices, even if you haven't had much work. Sound advice, but perhaps a little harder to enforce in these straightened times. There was a good turn out for a wet November night and BiG member Angela McKay made the trip to Falmer. After the discussion there was an opportunity to chat informally over refreshments. It was an enjoyable event and a rare opportunity to present the freelance life as a viable career option. If any of you are approached for similar events I would thoroughly encourage participation. After all, it's more relevant that folks get advice from those of us that actually do it!
