Draw The Line: 144-pages of illustrated politics
Wed 02 May 2018 by Simon_Russell

A new book project of illustrations that started in Brighton...
Draw The Line:
114 international comic artists illustrating positive political actions anyone can take to make the world a better place.
Artists include Steven Appleby, Hannah Berry, Kate Charlesworth, Joe Decie, Hunt Emerson, Kate Evans, Karrie Fransman, Lucy Knisley, Dave McKean, Fumio Obata and Nye Wright among many others. (Full disclosure: I contributed two illustrations to the project myself)
DTL started as a free-to-view website (still online at https://drawthelinecomics.com) and now it’s entering its next exciting phase as a 144-page hardback.
You can help make this a reality and get your hands on some unique comics swag at https://unbound.com/books/draw-the-line/
All profits go to the charity Help Refugees (https://helprefugees.org) – a pioneering charity leading a new movement in humanitarian aid, with more than 80 projects across Europe and the Middle East. So when you pledge for the book, you will already be taking a positive political action to help people who need it most.
When you pledge you also get the option of exclusive rewards that include bookplates, original artwork and prints of the Draw The Line images, plus the opportunity to have one of the artists come and run a workshop or give a talk for you and your friends!
Draw The Line is the essential toolkit for anyone feeling powerless in the current political environment... and it’s a fun read, too!
Pledge today (and if you can't pledge, please help us reach the target by spreading the word) https://unbound.com/books/draw-the-line/
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